Sunday, January 27, 2008

Start over!

Well, how can I start?! It is not easy to put in words all the feelings I have experienced in the last couple of months.
I will start we the end, of course. I am now living in France, on the Riviera. And when I say now I mean since 30th of December 2007. It is now 27th of January , 2008 and I feel like I am here for months. I do not speak very good French, I do not exactly have a job, nor the money to leisure on the French Riviera yet I am here and I am happy.
You may wonder why France and why now and especially why under these conditions. I will tell you why, although it may take me quit a few months to express the feelings and experiences I went through just recently.
So just for starters I will say why a young bored, exasperated by the cold, the people and the system, Romanian woman in her early 30s at the peak of her career would drop everything and move to France in the spur of a moment.
Because I could not take it anymore. Call it the 30s crises, call it need for adventure, call it unconsciousness or call it madness. I don't mind. I call it LIVING!
I needed to get out, to change everything, to start over.
First person I meat in France was Ruth, my landlord (or lady) and she nicely put all my hopes and fears regarding this big step in one simple phrase: " all people coming here are running from something or towards something" ! That is pretty much it!
For the first POST on my blog I think it is just enough. I will be back soon. I have to figure out how transparent I want to be.
To all of you bloggers out there all the best and keep on dreaming!

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